Load Security & Restraint Systems

25th February 2015

vosa logo When it comes to Load Security, according to Mark Horton, Traffic Enforcement Scheme Manager at VOSA, there have been 1,269 load restraint defects detected since 1st April last year; 1,190 of those resulting in prohibition.

With over 300 trained VOSA roadside inspectors now in force, it is perhaps surprising that many operators still aren’t sure if their loads are considered safe. VOSA’s role is not to dictate which method of Load Restraint an operator should specify.

Their task is simply to enforce existing recommendations and codes of practice which are already in force, such as the DfT Safety of Loads on Vehicles, HSE Load Security and Construction & Use Regulations.

The confusion from operators has arisen due to the interpretation of those guidelines, leading to assumptions, rumour and misdirection. Recommendations for a compliant Load Restraint Solution falls squarely on the shoulders of the manufacturer and Thameside Lifting has spent considerable time and effort ensuring that they comprehensively understand both the recommendations and, perhaps more importantly, VOSA’s interpretation of them.

Now offering Lashing & Load restraints detailing independent ID numbers, Thameside are now available to supply and certify lashings to the requirements of VOSA and PUWER (Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998). Our sales team can offer full inspections to your existing Load Security and provide solutions to ensure you remain compliant. You can find out more about our Load Security and Load Restraint Systems here.