Crossrail Paddington Bakerloo Line Link
Costain Laing O’Rourke JV

6 months


Location & Overview
The construction of a passenger transfer link between the Crossrail and Bakerloo Line Stations at Paddington. John F Hunt Concrete Cutting were appointed by Costain Skanska JV to drill and burst the concrete in the old Bakerloo line switch room to enable the ring segments to be exposed and removed.
Work, Challenges & Solutions
Works involved the construction of a 250m long passage, escalator area, lift lobbies and cross-passages.
Among the complexities of the job, an underground switch room had to be demolished to make way for an escalator barrel.
We used diamond stitch drilling, bursting and robotic demolition techniques, with Brokk excavators to take out mass concrete sections up to 1.2m deep. Cross passage works were carried out when the tunnels connected, and critical alignment of drill holes was necessary for tunnel location purposes.
These works were particularly challenging due to space constraints and a 24-hour shift pattern to meet programme requirements was undertaken.
Much of the work involved both critical targets and alignment, both of which were met.