Cambridge University ‘Triangle Site’ Project Update

11th May 2015


Cambridge City Council have now signed off our Demolition Environmental Plan which clears the way to commence the main demolition works on Monday the 11th May, working from South to North.

The demolition of the boiler house is complete and the concrete slab has been removed with all demolition arisings stockpiled until our crusher is delivered to site.

UKPN incoming high voltage cables have been isolated along the Eastern boundary and the site hoarding is now complete to the South West corner. The next out-of-hour delivery will be the arrival of our 90 tonne, long reach excavator for the demolition of the High Bay Warehouse and Edinburgh Building in approximately 5 weeks’ time.

Work continues to Isolate incoming gas to the site boundary and preparations are being made to undertake a trial of the roof removal on the Low Bay Warehouse followed by it’s demolition.

The existing ground floor concrete slab will then be cut by a process of Diamond sawing in readiness for its removal and eventual crushing process. Follow us @JohnFHunt_Group on Twitter for the latest updates on the project.