Having had a stellar year last year, BD Nuclear are looking to further develop their 1,000,000 man hours within the nuclear industry, and with the backing of the main group have secured the below projects.
The trials of the shaving heads have been a huge success and it now looks as through this new technology will contribute to many further projects.
- Dounreay, Heal Pool remote Coring into underside of a reactor vessel.
- Dounreay, cutting of contaminated facility using diamond wire.
- UKAEA Design and build of a full remote diamond wire saw to operate within a Hot Cell in Sweden.
- Magnox, diamond wire cutting large openings within in the primary containment to allow cutting of reactor vessel.
- Sellafield, working on POND’s remote shaving system, which appeared on the BBC news website.
- Magnox, Trawsfynydd nuclear power station remote wire plunge cutting.
‘Exciting times ahead’ and we look forward to sharing more details as the projects progress!