Page 7 - Environmental
P. 7


    Our IT and communications technology,  with
    programmes tailored to our needs by our in-house IT
    business, gives us real time records of activities being
    carried out on every site and the ability to analyse
    progress and keep a close eye on costings.

    Each of the team have a tablet, laptop or mobile for
    instant access and constant updates.

    This means that the
    submission of hand
    written paperwork
    is reduced to an
    absolute minimum,
    as digital forms make
    completion and
    transmission quick,
    easy and error free.

                                The app not only
                                reduces paperwork
                                and increases
                                efficiency, but
                                also ensures that
                                documents and
                                records are continually

    This guarantees the
    very latest version is
    available, keeping us
    informed, compliant
    and with better
    effectiveness on site.
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