Page 2 - Environmental
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    John  F  Hunt  Environmental  is  a  Division   of  John
    F Hunt Limited, one of the U.K.’s leading demolition
    contractors,   focusing  on  all aspects of   bespoke,
    engineer  led demolition.

    We work both independently and together with our
    demolition  and  remediation  companies  on  multi-
    million pound  projects,  providing  technical  advice
    and trained teams to undertake the most hazardous
    of contamination  issues.

    With our Head Office
    in Essex and  regional
    offices in Leicestershire
    and London, we are
    well positioned for
    excellent coverage
    in the Midlands, East
    Anglia and the South
    East of England.

                                We fully comply with
                                current legislation
                                and best practice
                                guidance, providing
                                a comprehensive
                                service, combining the
                                latest techniques and
                                equipment with safety

    We benefit from
    the John F Hunt
    Group infrastructure,
    supporting us with
    a wide range of
    construction services,
    from specialist plant,
    to power and testing
    when required.
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