Page 9 - Visual Guidance Handbook
P. 9

Let’s all
                              BRIEFINGS AND COMMUNICATION                                                         get home safely,
                                                                                                                  every day

                                                                                    PROJECT PLANS (CPP, CEMP,
                PERMITS TO WORK
                                                                                 SITE WASTE MANAGEMENT PLANS)
                                                                                                                       Other documents that
         Permits to work will be issued for specific   DAILY ACTIVITY                An overview of the project and its associated
         operations as a control based hold point (list is not                       risks covering items suchas:       must be briefed to
         exhaustive).                                                                a. Site rules                    Operatives as part of the
         1.  Hot works,                               BRIEFINGS                      b. Emergency procedures             safety systems
         2.  Confined space                                                          c. Communication and workerengagement
         3.  Permit to load structure or temporary works.  Conducted by each section Supervisor  procedures          1.  Lifting operations
         4.  Permit to break ground / dig   using the daily safe start briefing at a pre   d. Welfare                   plans:
         5.  Permit to work at height.      agreed location. These daily  briefings   e. Environmental information      Developed by an AP
         6.  Permit to demolish             allow operatives to receive up-to-date   f. Disciplinary procedures         and briefed to lifting
                                                                                     g. Site logistics
                                            safety, environmental and quality        h. High riskactivities             teams by either the
                                            information before commencing the days                                      Crane Supervisor or a
                                                                                                                        Ground Works
                                            work.                                                                       Supervisor, where
                                                                                                                        excavators are used
                                                                                                                        as lifting equipment.
                                                                                                                     2.  COSHH assessments:
                                                                                                                        To be included into
                                                                                                                        relevant safe systems
                                                                                                                        of works.
                 TOOL BOX TALKS /               METHOD STATEMENTS / RISK                 TASK BRIEFINGS
                   SAFETY  ALERTS                      ASSESMENTS                                                    3.  HAV assessments:
                                                                                                                        Briefed to operatives
           These are task specific briefingstargeted at  Method statements must be task specific and   Task briefings can be used to break down briefing   prior to the use of
           either an individual operation on site, or the  developed via a risk review process.    sections of the RAMS to smaller more   vibrating tools
                                                                                 manageable briefings, when dealing with large
           specific use of materials and equipment such as:                      multi discipline safe systems of works.  ensuring they are
                                              RAMS must be relevant to the ongoing operations                           aware of the EAV and
           a. Reducing the use of ladders and    and reviewed regularly, or prior to any change in   Additionally, these can be used to manage small   ELV.
            alternative systems.              the working practice or environment.  changes / deviations from a developed safe
           b. Use of fall arrest / restraint systems.                            system of works e.g. a short term change to the   4.  Rescue plans:
           c. Use of powertools.              All operatives MUST be briefed and sign the safe   safe working practice.
           d. Edge protection.                system of works. Re-briefing must take place                              Specific rescue plans
           e. Environmental issues.           regularly or after any prior revision of the RAMS.  Task briefings must be linked to an approved   will be developed and
                                                                                 RAMS and accompanied by a risk assessment   briefed to operatives
           These toolbox talk safety alerts are developed                        detailing any changes to the risk profile of the   for works at height,
           either as a proactive or reactive measure to site  A safe system of works and associated risk   task, or the individual operation.  MEWP use and
           issues.                            assessment must be developed prior to the
                                              commencement of any works.                                                confined spaces.

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