Last Months Hazard Spotter Award Goes To Matt Hunn

1st June 2015

John F Hunt Demolition wins Last month’s Hazard Spotter Award at Bradwell! This went to Matt Hunn who was awarded a £50.00 voucher, for bringing to the Managements attention that the lifting plan was not fully understood by the new Slingers on site.

Matt highlighted that there was little confidence from many of the new slingers on site, from all trades, when reading and signing up to the Lifting Plan.

Following on from these comments, all Slingers were ask to attend an afternoon seminar, to run through the Lifting Plan for this site. This made a big difference to our daily organisation of planned lifts, using Slingers that are now keen to progress the Project Safely, whilst also improving production and morale on site.

Matt is a valued member of the site team who has been given the task of looking after the waste on site, he also co-ordinates our lifts on site, attending Crane and safety representatives meetings. Well done Matt!