Demolition of 145 City Road, London

27th August 2015

We have now been on site at 145 City Road for approx. 8 months and in that time we have completed the demolition of the Lanz Building and the Old Crown House, including removal of the existing basements.

We still have continual monitoring of the noise and dust levels and endeavour to cause as little inconvenience as possible to our neighbours.

Our project office and site accommodation cabins have now been relocated to a temporary position in the middle of the level site area and the hoarding has been extended to 4m in height along City Road where advertising artwork is currently being installed around the perimeter, which is due to be complete by the end of August.

We are about to commence the piling works with the installation of Secant Piling around the perimeter forming the new structure’s basement.
145 city road demolition